
Copper Coins is a Christian Praise Rock band from the southern tier of NY. We play Christian Contemporary, Adult Contemporary, Worship, Alternative, Soft Rock music that is uplifting and inspirational.

We are always looking for places to share music with the gospel message, lead worship to our Lord and Savior, and provide a fun, engaging time of singing and praise. If you have a venue or event, indoors or outdoors, whether it’s a worship service, concert, outreach event, block party, festival, picnic, street fair, revival conference, men’s or women’s retreats, or anything where you feel Christian music would be of benefit, please contact us today! We’d love to partner with you and assist in making your event a success to increase the kingdom and glorify Christ!

Please feel free to contact us today, either by email at info@coppercoinsband.com or by direct messaging us on our Facebook page or Instagram account.